Above, the National Veteran’s Art Museum, Chicago displays 58,000 dogtags commemorating those we lost in Vietnam
Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255
Welcome Home Soldier!
Welcome to my Web Site! My name is Jim Rodgers.
As a military veteran I welcome all, veterans and non-veterans, to enjoy the information and resources on this web site. My desire and purpose for creating this website is only to offer information and assistance to anyone who wishes to use it. I have no special purpose other than to help all interested in finding information and have no financial incentives for maintaining this web address.
The goal of this site is to offer you resources to find information and assistance you may
be seeking. On the feedback page, I appreciate any suggestions or criticisms you may have of this site or its contents. Making the information available and helpful to everyone is my goal. I know not all will find everything they need so please inform me of sites, links or information you would like to see posted here. I greatly appreciate your suggestions and will address them all. If applicable and acceptable, I will add them to my website for your unconditional use.
Thank you for stopping by and enjoy your visit.
- February 1965
- November 2015